There’s a sadnes inside me, I know not what from, I know it is hurting, Yet I must be strong. My life is still changing, Even at Thirty-One, ‘Tis love that I’m missing, I need but just some. To hold her, to touch her, To have here beside me, This
Smile for me
I saw her today, That girl that I loved, Her mind was so lost, So troubled and gloved. I know I have feelings, Locked deep down inside, The feelings of pain, That I must now hide. Why is she back? I ask myself twice, But then I forget it, ‘Cause
Lying here, Alone in my bed, It’s like a vast desert, With sand a burnt red. This feeling of emptiness, Of sleeping alone, It’s just like a tumbleweed, By the desert winds blown. To look at it moving, It seems but so free, But there’s a side of the tumbleweed,
Forever Nameless
How do I tell her? What do I say? This love that I feel, I feel every day. Is this feeling I have, So god damn wrong? I will never have her, So I must be strong. I’ve known her so long, She’s such a good friend, If I say
For My Cousin
When life is real shit, And things look real dim, Just take a step back, And things aren’t so grim. There are people that love you, People that care, People all ’round you, Yet you think we’re rare. I know what I say, May not seem so true, But the