A smile for the future A smile for the past A smile for the present Should forever last The gift of caring Is a thought of love It soars like an eagle As free as a dove T’is love that one needs T’is love that one longs If there’s an
A Final Goodbye
I feel it is over I’ve given up on the fight I’m in a dark tunnel And I can’t see the light I’ve got no career Nor even a life I’m just thirty one And not even a wife I wish it would end And rid all this pain By
How Long Do I Wait?
Another good night Has come to an end Another new girl Another new friend It’s hard to explain This way that I feel I know that this pain Is a pain that is real I long for a partner Someone to to hold and to touch Someone who wants me
Why Do I Help Her?
She asked me that question From which I do shy That question I hate That big wondrous “Why?” That’s a hard one to answer Not easily explained No actual profit Nor money gained I know it is something A maiden in distress? Or maybe a slim chance She’ll be mine
I can see her hurting For me that’s so hard If only I could help her I’d hold her heart to guard She’s making a decision I know she thinks is right Maybe one day far away She may see the light She lives her life for others She thinks